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News about Altus, AltusLearn, and the greater medical education industryCardiac CT
Is Cardiac CT part of your practice?CT Angiography has been around for a number of years. Improved scanner resolution speed, software and protocols have made capturing a moving object – the heart – possible. However, not every facility is set up to perform this valuable diagnostic procedure.
What are the best options and protocols for performing CTA? Does your facility perform this important diagnostic procedure?

Though not considered a first line diagnostic procedure for coronary artery disease, cardiac CT has shown to be a valuable non-interventional diagnostic tool. In patients who have had interventional coronary artery procedures, CTA can evaluate the patency of bypass grafts and stents.
This month, AltusMedical is offering for free the ASRT Category A CE / AMA PRA Category 1™ CME credit course, Cardiac CT Best Practices: Building and Implementing Injection Protocols
Faculty:Dominik Fleischmann, MD, Chief of Cardiovascular Imaging and Director of CT, Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
- Lior Molvin, BA, RT (CT), CT Protocol Technologist, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA