
Strategic Planning in Radiology (CE Nurse)

Course Format: Online Video
Course Credit Type: CE Nurse
Course Credit: 1.00
Rewards Points Earned: 25
Course Category: **Self-Study/On-Demand, *Nursing
Course Producer: AltusLearn
Course Cost: $17.99 | Included in All-Access Pass
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Course Release Date: January 23, 2020
Course Expiration Date: January 23, 2021
Program Summary:

Join Mary Cowan in discussing Strategic Planning. Mary will discuss the value of a strategic plan, as well as how to effectively create and follow one.

  1. At the end of this course the person will be able to describe The steps necessary in Strategic Planning
  2. At the end of this course the person will be able to create a draft of strategic plan to use in their facility
  3. At the end of this course the person will be able to discuss strategic plans with other radiology professionals
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