GE Healthcare CT Dose Reduction Event

We are excited to be working with GE Healthcare to organize this CME and CE accredited event with host Dr. Kalra.
This comprehensive 2-day course offers an in-depth review of CT scan parameters and their impact for radiation dose. The course combines classroom didactic and intensive instructor led hands-on sessions using suitable cases. The “Dose-in-Action” sessions on CT consoles will help participants understand and implement practical strategies to reduce CT radiation dose and optimize image quality.
At completion of this course, attendees will demonstrate knowledge of:
- Key aspects of multi-detector CT scanner hardware
- The purpose and implications of scan parameters
- The principles and operations of Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)
- The potential risks of ionizing radiation
- Radiation dose tracking systems and Dose Check
- Using iterative reconstructions in CT
Attendees will be able to:
- Develop and implement CT dose reduction strategies in adults and children
- Identify common pitfalls with CT scanning that result in suboptimal dose
- Handle special situations in CT scanning such as obesity and pregnancy
- Implement dose reduction with the advanced techniques available on the scanner
Learn more and register today by visiting the
AltusMaster Series page.