
Coffee-Talk with Dr. Bukstein and Dr. Bowman: Asthma Barriers to Care in the Under-served & Asthma Management in Schools (CE Nurse)

Course Format: Online Video
Course Credit Type: CE Nurse
Course Credit: 1.00
Rewards Points Earned: 25
Course Category: *Asthma & Allergy, *Asthma, *Coffee With Bukstein, *Free Respiratory Courses , *Respiratory, **Self-Study/On-Demand
Accreditation: This program has been planned and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the California Board of Registered Nursing. The Association of Asthma Educators is an approved provider of continuing education in nursing. This activity meets criteria for mandatory continuing education requirements, and the participant is awarded 1.0 contact hours. Provider # 13605
Course Cost: Free | Included in All-Access Pass
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Course Release Date: May 23, 2019
Course Expiration Date: June 23, 2021
Program Summary:

This series features respiratory experts discussing patient cases with real-world solutions and insights.

Attending this webinar, members of the audience will be able to describe barriers that limit provision of guidelines - based asthma care to underserved populations, and outline steps needed to recognize and improve management of children with asthma in schools.

This discussion will outline the inequities in asthma outcomes among underserved populations in the inner city and steps that can be taken to improve their care. In addition, since children spend a lot of time in schools, nurses and athletic personnel at schools are major potential resources which can be used to recognize and improve the care of children with asthma. Innovative approaches for management of asthma in schools will be discussed.

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