5G Leadership skills: Body-Language Fluency (CE Nurse)
Course Format: Interactive
Course Credit Type: CE Nurse
Course Credit: 1.00
Rewards Points Earned: 25
Course Category: *Nursing, **Self-Study/On-Demand, Soft Skills
Faculty: Dr. Mary Cowan
Course Producer: Alpha UMi Inc.
Course Cost: $44.99 | Included in All-Access Pass
Mobile Friendly: No
Course Release Date: October 30, 2019
Course Expiration Date: October 30, 2021
Program Summary:
Learning Outcomes:
Leaders who read and use body language fluently gain an advantage in being able to communicate and understand information that isn’t being transmitted in actual words.
Non-verbal cues include all communication between people that is not verbally expressed: body language, facial expressions, posture, eye contact, gestures, tone of voice, touch, physical space and even clothing.
Learning Outcomes:
- Say what is meant without words.
- Understand and use non-verbal cues.
- Define and understand the fundamentals of a handshake.
- Explore how body postures build self-confidence.
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