Texas Continuing Medical Education Credit Requirements
Texas required number of CME credits per year(s) | 24 credits / 1 year |
Texas state-Mandated CME Content/Additional Notes | Of 12 Category 1 credits, at least 1 in ethics and/or prof. responsibility 10 credits pain management for those who practice in a pain clinic |
Texas RN required number of CE credits per year(s) | RNs are required to complete 20 contact hours every two years in their area of practice. CE content areas specified in the Texas nurse practice act include: Two contact hours related to forensic evidence collection for any RN practicing in an emergency room setting (one-time requirement) Two contact hours related to older adults and geriatric populations for RNs working with this population Content related to tick-borne diseases for RNs working with this population Two contact hours of continuing education relating to nursing jurisprudence and nursing ethics before the end of every third two-year licensing period Texas Advanced Practice Nurses In addition to the 20 contact hours of continuing education in the advanced practice role and population focus area or renewal of the certification as specified, an APRN who has Prescriptive Authority must also complete at least five additional contact hours in pharmacotherapeutics within the preceding two years. |
Texas LPN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | LVNs are required to complete 20 contact hours every two years in their area of practice. CE content areas specified in the Texas nurse practice act include: Two contact hours related to forensic evidence collection for any LVN practicing in an emergency room setting (one-time requirement) Two contact hours related to older adults and geriatric populations for LVNs working with this population Content related to tick-borne diseases for LVNs working with this population Two contact hours of continuing education relating to nursing jurisprudence and nursing ethics before the end of every third two-year licensing period |
APRN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | N/A |
ANCC accreditation accepted? | Yes |
CE for Specialty: Athletic Training | 20 hours of continuing education are required every 2 year renewal period as well as proof of current certification in CRP and AED (Automated External Defibrillation). |
CE for Specialty: Audiology/SLP | CE: 20 clock hours (2.0 CEUs) minimum must be completed each 2-year renewal period. Licenses expire every 2 years in the licensee’s birth month. The holder of dual licenses, meaning both a speech-language pathology license and an audiology license, shall be required to earn 30 clock hours (3.0 CEUs) to renew a license issued for a two-year term. License holder must complete a minimum of 2.0 clock hours (0.2 CEUs) in ethics as part of the continuing education requirement each renewal term. |
CE for Specialty: Dietetics/Nutrition | 12 hours of continuing education are due every two years on the licensee’s birthday. Each renewal must show proof of successfully completing the exam must be retained by the licensee as required as stated in the board rules. One hour of continuing education credit will be granted for successful completion of the Texas Jurisprudence Exam. |
CE for Specialty: Emergency Medical Services | Licenses and certifications are renewed every four years. CE Requirements for EMTs and Paramedics ECA (Emergency Care Attendant): 36 hours EMT: 72 hours EMT-Intermediate: 108 hours EMT-Paramedic: 144 hours |
CE for Specialty: Laboratory Technology | There are no Continuing Education requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Massage Therapy | CE: 12 Contact Hours must be completed over a two year renewal period. Online & correspondence CE in “non-technique” subjects is acceptable if taught or presented by persons with licensure, registration, or education in the subject being presented. CE completed out of state is accepted if it is NCBTMB approved. |
CE for Specialty: Medicine and Surgery | CE: Physicians need to complete at least 48 credits of continuing medical education every 24 months (24 month timeline is in relation to the biennial registration period, not the calendar year). At least half of these hours must be in formal, category I or 1A courses. At least 2 of the formal hours must involve the study of medical ethics and/or professional responsibility. Professional responsibility includes but is not limited to courses in: Risk management, Domestic Abuse; or Child Abuse. In addition, formal courses must be approved for ethics or professional responsibility credit by the accrediting agency. All personnel at a pain management clinic are trained annually including 10 hours of continuing medical education related to pain management (AMA PRA Category 1 CME acceptable). |
CE for Specialty: Occupational Therapy | CE Requirements: 30 contact hours of continuing education every two-year renewal period. OTs and OTAs are required to renew their licenses every two years by the end of their birth month. A minimum of 15 hours of continuing education must be in skills specific to occupational therapy practice with patients or clients hereafter referred to as Type 2. Type 2 courses teach occupational therapy evaluation, assessment, intervention or prevention and wellness with patients or clients. All continuing education hours may be in Type 2, but no less than 15 hours of Type 2 is acceptable. General information hereafter referred to as Type 1 continuing education is relevant to the profession of occupational therapy. Examples include but are not limited to: supervision, education, documentation, pharmacology, quality improvement, administration, reimbursement and other occupational therapy related subjects. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy | 30 contact hours (3.0 CEUs) of approved continuing education must be obtained during the previous bienniel license period. Any hours obtained in excess of the amount required to renew cannot be carried forward to the next license period. Licenses expire every 2 years on the last day of the month it was issued. Effective January 1, 2015, at least one contact hour (0.1 CEU) shall be related to Texas pharmacy laws or rules. Administration of Immunizations or Vaccinations by a Pharmacist under Written Protocol of a Physician. If approved to administer vaccinations, pharmacists must have 3.0 contact hours of continuing education every 2 years which are designed to maintain competency in the disease states, drugs, and administration of immunizations or vaccinations. ACPE-approved courses for Pharmacy Technicians end in the letter “T”. ACPE-approved courses pharmacists (only) end in the letter “P”. Courses ending in the letter “P” cannot be used to meet pharmacy technician CE requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy Technician | No continuing education is required. |
CE for Specialty: Physical Therapy | CE Requirements: Effective March 1, 2015, PT and PTA licensees are required to renew their licenses every two years by the end of their birth month. 30 contact hours required biennially for PTs and 20 for PTAs. Must include two hours of ethics/ professional responsibility. |
CE for Specialty: Psychology | 12 hours of continuing education must be completed every renewal period. All licensees must complete a minimum of 3 hours in ethics, the Board’s Rules of Conduct or professional responsibility. Licenses must be renewed annually. At least 30 days in advance of the renewal date, licensees are mailed a postcard to remind them that they need to renew their licenses. The renewal date depends on the initial licensure date. |
CE for Specialty: Radiology Technology | CE per license: Medical Radiologic Technologist: 24 hours Limited Medical Radiologic Technologist: 12 hours Non-Certified Technician: 6 hours For MRTs and LMRTs at least 3 hours must be instructor-directed. No more than 21 hours for MRTs or 9 hours for LMRTs of the required number of hours may be satisfied through verifiable independent self-study. These activities include reading materials, audio materials, audiovisual materials, or a combination of these areas. Renewal happens annually during birth month. |
CE for Specialty: Respiratory Therapy | 24 hours of continuing education are required. The initial period shall begin with the date the department issues the certificate and end on the last day of the birth month at the time of renewal. 12 hours maximum for home-study/self-study courses |
CE for Specialty: Social Work | Renewal: thirty (30) social work clock hours. Six (6) clock-hours of continuing education in professional ethics and social work values for a two-year renewal period. Must be renewed every two years on the last day of the licensee’s birth month. Social Work licenses expire every two years. All contact hours can be home study. |

Note: All information should be verified with licensing board
Resources: http://www.acep.org/| http://ce.nurse.com/ | http://about.continuingeducation.com/