New Jersey Continuing Medical Education Credit Requirements
New Jersey required number of CME credits per year(s) | 100 credits / 2 years |
New Jersey State-Mandated CME Content/Additional Notes | Cultural competence |
New Jersey RN Required number of CE credits per year(s) | The next renewal deadline for New Jersey Nurses with RN license is May 31, 2015. RNs are required to complete 30 contact hours of continuing professional education every two years. Organ and Tissue Donation, 1 Contact Hour: Every registered professional nurse shall have completed a one-hour continuing education course that covers organ and tissue donation and recovery designed to address clinical aspects of the donation and recovery process. For RNs due to renew their license in 2014, they will have to meet the requirement by May 31, 2014. For RNs due to renew their license in 2015, they will have to meet the requirement by May 31, 2015. |
New Jersey LPN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | The next renewal deadline for New Jersey Nurses with LPN license is May 31, 2015. LPNs are required to complete 30 contact hours of continuing professional education every two years. |
APRN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | N/A |
ANCC accreditation accepted? | Yes |
CE for Specialty: Athletic Training | 24 hours of continuing education must be completed every 2 years. |
CE for Specialty: Audiology/SLP | CE: 20 Contact Hours must be completed each 2 year renewal period. Licenses expire on October 31st of odd-numbered years. (e.g., October 31st, 2013.) |
CE for Specialty: Dietetics/Nutrition | There are no continuing education requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Emergency Medical Services | Expiration of all New Jersey certifications shall occur every 5 years on either June 30 or December 31, depending on the date of initial certification. Certifications shall be valid until 12:00 midnight of the expiration date listed on the card. CE Requirements for EMTs and Paramedics EMT-Basic: 48 hours EMT-Paramedic: 48 hours |
CE for Specialty: Laboratory Technology | There are no Continuing Education requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Massage Therapy | CE: 20 credit hours must be completed over a two-year renewal period. Two hours of ethics education must be completed for every biennial renewal period. All New Jersey massage and bodywork therapy licenses expire every two years on November 30th of any even-numbered year. A maximum of six of the mandatory 20 credit hours of continuing education can be obtained from courses presented online (Internet courses) or through DVD courses. |
CE for Specialty: Medicine and Surgery | In 2002, a New Jersey law was enacted requiring continuing medical education as a condition for biennial registration renewal. For the registration cycle 2003-2005, physicians and podiatrists were required to complete 50 credits/hours of continuing medical education (CME). At least 20 credits/hours of the requirement had to be Category I and up to 30 credits/hours could be Category II. For registration cycles beginning in 2005 and thereafter, physicians and podiatrists must complete 100 credits of continuing medical education at least 40 of which must be Category I and up to 60 of which can be Category II. Commencing with this biennial renewal period which started on July 1, 2013, two of the 40 credits in Category I courses shall be in programs or topics related to end-of-life care. There is a one-time requirement for cultural competency training. Physicians licensed on or before June 29, 2007 and podiatrists licensed on or before October 30, 2007 are required to comply with the cultural competency training requirement by the next license renewal after March 24, 2008. Physicians licensed on or after June 30, 2007 and podiatrists licensed on or after October 31, 2007 are required to comply with the requirement by the end of the next complete renewal cycle after licensure. For more information on this requirement, visit the continuing medical education page. There are 6 specific topics (AMA PRA Category 1TM courses acceptable) that must be covered in the accredited cultural competency CME in order to meet the Board requirements. 1. A context for the training, common definitions of cultural competence, race, ethnicity and culture and tools for self assessment. 2. An appreciation for the traditions and beliefs of diverse patient populations, at multiple levels- as individuals, in families and as part of a larger community. 3. An understanding of the impact that stereotyping can have on medical decision making. 4. Strategies for recognizing patterns of health care disparities and eliminating factors influencing them. 5. Approaches to enhance cross-cultural skills, such as those relating to history-taking, problem solving and promoting patient compliance. 6. Techniques to deal with language barriers and other communication needs, including working with interpreters. For Physicians licensed prior to March 24, 2005 the cultural competency training requirement cannot be included in the 100 hour CME requirement for licensure renewal. The law specifically required that this group of physicians complete this training in addition to the usual CME required for re-licensure. For Physicians licensed after March 24th, 2005 the cultural competency training requirement can be included in the 100 hour CME requirement for licensure renewal. Licenses must be renewed every two years. |
CE for Specialty: Occupational Therapy | CE Requirements: No continuing education requirement. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy | 30 hours continuing education must be completed within 2 years of expiration date. 3 CE credits shall be obtained in pharmacy law. The Board of Pharmacy has determined that any American Council of Pharmaceutical Education course ending in “03″ will satisfy the law requirement. 10-hours shall be earned in a didactic instruction. This can be in-person, telephonic, or electronic instruction. Cannot be videotaped instruction. Home study must be approved by the board or ACPE ACPE-approved courses for Pharmacy Technicians end in the letter “T”. ACPE-approved courses pharmacists (only) end in the letter “P”. Courses ending in the letter “P” cannot be used to meet pharmacy technician CE requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy Technician | No continuing education is required. |
CE for Specialty: Physical Therapy | CE Requirements: PT and PTA licenses expire on January 31st of even numbered years. CE: 30 contact hours required biennially for PTs and PTAs A maximum of 10 hours allowed from online courses. 4 hours of jurisprudence and professional ethics are required. |
CE for Specialty: Psychology | There are no continuing education requirements. Licenses must be renewed biennially. All licenses for psychologists expire on June 30th of each odd numbered year. All licensees will receive instructions regarding renewal approximately three months before the license expires. |
CE for Specialty: Radiology Technology | No CE required. |
CE for Specialty: Respiratory Therapy | 30 hours of continuing education shall be completed during the preceding biennial period prior to license expiration. New Jersey Respiratory Care licenses renew on even years. At least 1 hour in infection control; At least 1 hour in patient safety/medical errors; At least 1 hour in ethics; At least 20 hours in other respiratory care clinical practices; Any remaining hours can be in any healthcare related field. |
CE for Specialty: Social Work | LCSW Renewal: 40 contact hours LSW Renewal: 30 contact hours CSW Renewal: 20 contact hours. Five (5) hours related to ethics and three (3) hours of social and cultural competence. If an applicant initially obtains a license or certificate within the second year of a biennial license period, the applicant shall complete not fewer than one-half of the minimum required credits of continuing education, three credits of which shall be in ethics related courses. Social Work licenses expire August 31 of even-numbered years. All contact hours can be home study. |

Note: All information should be verified with licensing board
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