Massachusetts Continuing Medical Education Credit Requirements
Massachusetts required number of CME credits per year(s) | 100 credits / 2 years |
Massachusetts State-Mandated CME Content/Additional Notes | Study board requirements; risk (AOA 1-A) management; 3 credits pain management for renewals after 2/1/12; 2 credits for end-of-life care 3 credits in Electronic Health Records for renewals after 1/1/15 |
Massachusetts RN required number of CE credits per year(s) | RNs are required to complete 15 contact hours every 2 years. |
Massachusetts LPN required number of CME credits per year(s) | LPNs are required to complete 15 contact hours every 2 years. |
APRN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | N/A |
ANCC accreditation accepted? | Yes |
CE for Specialty: Athletic Training | No continuing education is required. However, Athletic Trainers must verify to the board at the time of license renewal that they are currently certified in CPR and hold current National Athletic Trainers Board of Certification (BOC) certification. |
CE for Specialty: Audiology/SLP | CE: 20 Contact Hours must be completed each 2 year renewal period on January 6th in years ending in an even number. (e.g., January 6th, 2014). Dual licensees must complete a minimum of 30 continuing education hours; a minimum of 10 hours must be in the licensee’s area of licensure. |
CE for Specialty: Dietetics/Nutrition | 30 hours of continuing education are due every two years on the licensee’s birthday. Continuing education must be approved by the board; Professional competence in nutritional practice means that the program must address the science of human nutrition. The program must enhance the licensee’s knowledge of human nutrition. Programs that address marketing, management or other business or technical skills will not be accepted. |
CE for Specialty: Emergency Medical Services | You must complete all re certification requirements on or BEFORE December 31 prior to the expiration date listed on your EMT certificate. CE Requirements for EMTs and Paramedics EMT-Basic: 28 hours EMT-Intermediate: 28 hours EMT-Paramedic: 25 hours |
CE for Specialty: Laboratory Technology | There are no Continuing Education requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Massage Therapy | Continuing Education requirements are currently under development. |
CE for Specialty: Medicine and Surgery | CE: 100 hours must be completed every 2 years; 40 must be Category 1; 10 must be in the area of risk management, of which 4 must be Category 1; 2 must be in the study of the Board’s regulations. Beginning in 2015, 3 hours must be completed in the use of electronic health records. At least two credits of either Category 1 or 2 continuing professional development studying end-of-life care issues. End-of-life care studies may be used to satisfy the risk management requirement in 243 CMR 2.06(6) (a) 3. Ten credits studying risk management, as defined in 243 CMR 2.01(4), at least four of which shall be in Category 1. Risk Management Study or Risk Management CPD means instruction in medical malpractice prevention, such as risk identification, patient safety, and medical error prevention. Risk management studies may include education in any of the following areas: medical ethics, quality assurance, medical-legal issues, patient relations, electronic health record education, end-of-life care, utilization review that directly relates to quality assurance, and aspects of practice management. Renewing Massachusetts licensees who prescribe controlled substances shall complete three credits in pain management training. Pain management training shall include, but not be limited to, training in how to identify patients at high risk for substance abuse and training in how to counsel patients on the side effects, addictive nature and proper storage and disposal of prescription medicines. Massachusetts licenses must be renewed every two years. |
CE for Specialty: Occupational Therapy | CE Requirements: Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants are required to renew their license on their birthday every two (2) years. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy | 30 hours continuing education must be completed every 2 years. Minimum of 15 contact hours each calendar year of the 2 year renewal cycle. At least 2 contact hours shall be in the area of pharmacy law. No more than 10 hours of home study permitted. No CEUs may be carried over from one calendar year to another. ACPE-approved courses for Pharmacy Technicians end in the letter “T”. ACPE-approved courses pharmacists (only) end in the letter “P”. Courses ending in the letter “P” cannot be used to meet pharmacy technician CE requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy Technician | No continuing education is required. |
CE for Specialty: Physical Therapy | CE Requirements: Massachusetts does not currently have a requirement for CE as a condition of license renewal. It is recommended that all licensees engage in continuing competence |
CE for Specialty: Psychology | 20 hours of continuing education must be completed every renewal period. Licenses must be renewed biennially. The renewal period extends from July 1st through June 30th. Licenses are renewed by June 30th of even numbered years. |
CE for Specialty: Radiology Technology | CE per license: Radiography- 20 hours Nuclear Medicine- 20 hours Radiation Therapy- 20 hours CE Requirements: • 8 CEUs must be in each category in which the individual is licensed; • 2 CEUs must be in radiation safety; • For individuals licensed in one or two categories, the numeric difference between the number of CEUs earned in their specialty(s) and 20 CEUs must be earned in topics directly related to health care practice, or their specialty; • For individuals licensed in all three categories of Radiography/ Mammography, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiation therapy only the eight CEUs per category requirement (12 for Mammography) and the two CEU requirement in radiation safety shall apply. Renewal happens every two years with the expiration date occurring on the last day of the applicant’s birth month. |
CE for Specialty: Respiratory Therapy | 15 hours of continuing education are due on May 31st of each even year. No more than six hours of which shall be in correspondence courses AND Not more than four of which shall be in a re credentialing examination |
CE for Specialty: Social Work | LICSW Renewal: thirty (30) contact hours LCSW Renewal: twenty (20) contact hours LSW Renewal: fifteen (15) contact hours LSWA Renewal: ten (10) contact hours Social Work licenses expire October 1 of even-numbered years. All contact hours can be home study. |

Note: All information should be verified with licensing board
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