Kansas Continuing Medical Education Credit Requirements
Kansas required number of CME credits per year(s) | 50 credits / 1 year |
Kansas State-Mandated CME Content/Additional Notes | N/A |
Kansas RN Required number of CE credits per year(s) | RNs are required to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years. There is no maximum on the number of independent study hours that can be obtained. |
Kansas LPN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | LPNs are required to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years. There is no maximum on the number of independent study hours that can be obtained. |
APRN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | N/A |
ANCC accreditation accepted? | Yes |
CE for Specialty: Athletic Training | 20 hours of continuing education must be completed annually. |
CE for Specialty: Audiology/SLP | CE: 20 Contact Hours must be completed each two year renewal period. Applicants licensed in both Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology must complete 30 hours of documented and approved continuing education. Excess hours may not be carried over to the subsequent renewal period. |
CE for Specialty: Dietetics/Nutrition | 15 hours of continuing education are due February 28th of odd years. Must be approved by the board. |
CE for Specialty: Emergency Medical Services | Renewal must be completed two years immediately preceding the date of expiration of certification. Requirements for EMTs and Paramedics First Responder/EMR: 16 hours EMT: 28 hours EMT-I: 36 hours EMT-D: 36 hours EMT-I/D/AEMT: 44 hours MICT: 60 hours |
CE for Specialty: Laboratory Technology | There are no Continuing Education requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Massage Therapy | There are no Continuing Education Requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Medicine and Surgery | CE: 50 Contact Hours of Continuing Education must be completed every year; 20 of which must be Category 1 CME and 30 of Category 2. Therefore, for every renewal one must complete 100 hours of CME credits including 40 Category 1 hours and 60 Category 2 hours. (Required by all: MDs. DOs, and PAs) Licenses must be renewed every two years. |
CE for Specialty: Occupational Therapy | CE Requirements: Occupational Therapists (OT) and Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTA) must complete a minimum of 40 hours of Continuing Education (CEU) for the preceding two (2) year period, reported during the odd-numbered years. No evidence of CEU is required during even-numbered years. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy | 30 hours of continuing education must be completed by June 30 every 2 years. Home study must be approved by the board or ACPE. ACPE-approved courses for Pharmacy Technicians end in the letter “T”. ACPE-approved courses pharmacists (only) end in the letter “P”. Courses ending in the letter “P” cannot be used to meet pharmacy technician CE requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy Technician | No continuing education is required. |
CE for Specialty: Physical Therapy | CE Requirements: As a condition of Kansas renewal for each odd-numbered year, each licensed physical therapist or certified physical therapist assistant shall submit, in addition to the annual application for renewal of licensure or certification, evidence of satisfactory completion within the preceding two-year period of a minimum of 40 contact hours of continuing education for a licensed physical therapist and a minimum of 20 contact hours of continuing education for a certified physical therapist assistant. The Kansas license of each physical therapist and the certificate of each physical therapist assistant shall expire on December 31 of each year. |
CE for Specialty: Psychology | 50 hours of continuing education must be completed every renewal period. During each renewal cycle and as part of the required continuing education hours, each licensed psychologist shall complete at least three education hours of training on professional ethics and at least six continuing education hours related to diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Kansas Licenses must be renewed biennially. The deadline for renewal is June 30th of each even numbered year. (i.e.: 2014; 2016 etc.) |
CE for Specialty: Radiology Technology | CE per license: Radiologic Technologist: 12 CEs or currently registered and in good standing with either the American Registry or Radiological Technologist (ARRT) or the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB). Radiography: 12 CEs Nuclear Medicine: 12 CEs Radiation Therapy: 12 CEs CE must be related to the licensee’s profession. Renewal happens annually: Renewal Period (45 days): August 15-September 30 Late Renewal Period (30 days): October 1-October 31 |
CE for Specialty: Respiratory Therapy | 12 hours of continuing education are due annually. Licenses expire on March 31st. The renewal period begins on February 15th and ends on April 30th. At least six hours shall be obtained each reporting year from seminars or symposiums that provide for direct interaction between the speakers and the participants. A seminar shall mean directed advanced study or discussion in a specific field of interest. A symposium shall mean a conference of more than a single session organized for the purpose of discussing a specific subject from various viewpoints and by various speakers. 6 hours maximum in self-study/home-study courses |
CE for Specialty: Social Work | Renewal: forty (40) hours of continuing education must be completed every two (2) years from date of issue. Three (3) hours of ethics and for masters and clinical levels, six (6) hours of diagnosis and treatment, earned in the two (2) years preceding renewal expiration date. All contact hours can be home study. |

Note: All information should be verified with licensing board
Resources: http://www.acep.org/| http://ce.nurse.com/ | http://about.continuingeducation.com/