Iowa Continuing Medical Education Credit Requirements
Iowa required number of CME credits per year(s) | 40 credits / 2 years |
Iowa State-Mandated CME Content/Additional Notes | Required every 5 yrs: Training for identifying and reporting child and dependent adult abuse; chronic pain management, end-of-life care |
RN Required number of CE credits per year(s) | RNs and LPNs: For renewal of a three year Iowa license, the requirement is 36 contact hours; For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours. For reactivation from an inactive status, the requirement is 12 contact hours that are not more than 12 months old at the time the credit is submitted for reactivation For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours or 2.4 CEUs. It is also required that RNs and LPNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children in Iowa complete training related to the identification and reporting of child/dependent adult abuse. The licensee is required to complete at least two hours of training every five years. The Mandatory Abuse Course taken to meet this requirement MUST be a course that has been approved by the Public Health Abuse Education Review Panel. |
LPN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | RNs and LPNs: For renewal of a three year license, the requirement is 36 contact hours; For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours. For reactivation from an inactive status, the requirement is 12 contact hours that are not more than 12 months old at the time the credit is submitted for reactivation For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours or 2.4 CEUs. It is also required that RNs and LPNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children in Iowa complete training related to the identification and reporting of child/dependent adult abuse. The licensee is required to complete at least two hours of training every five years. The Mandatory Abuse Course taken to meet this requirement MUST be a course that has been approved by the Public Health Abuse Education Review Panel. |
APRN Required number of CME credits per year(s) | N/A |
ANCC accreditation accepted? | Yes if CE held outside of the state |
CE for Specialty: Athletic Training | 50 hours of continuing education must be completed every renewal period. The biennial continuing education compliance period shall extend for a two-year period beginning on March 1st of each odd-numbered year and ending on February 28th of the next odd-numbered year. Continuing education hours of credit shall be obtained by participating in a course provided by a BOC-approved provider of continuing education. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed athletic trainers shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed athletic trainer who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed athletic trainer who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed athletic trainer who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Audiology/SLP | CE: 30 hours continuing education must be completed each two-year renewal period. The biennial continuing education compliance period shall extend for a two-year period between January 1st of each even-numbered year and December 31st of each odd-numbered year. The maximum number of hours for independent study is 16 hours. A combined total of six hours per biennium may be used for the following activities: Government regulations CPR, child abuse and dependent adult abuse A maximum of two hours may be used for business-related topics. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed speech-language pathologists and audiologists shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist social who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Dietetics/Nutrition | CE: 30 hours of continuing education each biennium. The biennial continuing education compliance period shall extend for a two-year period beginning on the sixteenth day of the licensee’s birth month and ending on the fifteenth day of the birth month two years later. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed dietitians shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed dietitian who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed dietitian who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed dietitian who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Emergency Medical Services | EMS certification is for a period of two years. CE Requirements for EMTs and Paramedics First Responder: 12 hours EMT-Ambulance: 24 hours EMT-Defibrillator: 24 hours EMT- Basic/EMT: 24 hours EMT-Intermediate/AEMT: 36 hours EMT-Paramedic: 48 hours Paramedic Specialist/Paramedic: 60 hours |
CE for Specialty: Laboratory Technology | There are no Continuing Education requirements. |
CE for Specialty: Massage Therapy | CE: 24 Contact Hours must be completed over a two year renewal period. Including: A maximum of 12 hours in content areas that are programs of learning which contribute directly to professional competency and enhance the practice of the licensee. A maximum of 6 hours in independent study. And a minimum of 12 hours need to be “direct, hands-on” study. |
CE for Specialty: Medicine and Surgery | CE: 40 hours of Category 1 credits are required for a two-year license renewal period. This may include up to 20 hours of Category 1 credit carried over from the previous license period. The number of required Category 1 credits is pro-rated for anyone who holds a permanent license that was issued for less than two full years. Every five years Iowa-licensed physicians who provide primary care to patients are required to complete: Two hours of Category 1 credits for chronic pain management Two hours of Category 1 credits for end-of-life care Licenses must be renewed every two years. A physician born in an even year will find that the permanent license expires on the first day of the physician’s birth month in even years. Similarly, a physician born in an odd year will renew in an odd year. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed physicians shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse as part of a Category 1 CME activity. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. An Iowa-licensed physician who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed physician who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed physician who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. For further information, click here for IAC 653-Chapter 11. |
CE for Specialty: Occupational Therapy | CE Requirements: Occupational Therapists (OT) are required to complete 30 hours of continuing education approved by the board every 2 years. A minimum of 20 hours shall be clinical in nature. Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTA) are required to complete 15 hours of continuing education approved by the board every 2 years. A minimum of 10 hours shall be clinical in nature. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed occupational therapists shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed occupational therapist who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed occupational therapist who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed occupational therapist who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy | CE: 30 contact hours (3.0 CEUs) are required each renewal period. For purposes of this rule, “renewal period” means the 27-month period commencing April 1st prior to the previous license expiration and ending June 30th, the date of current license expiration. A minimum of each pharmacist’s 30 contact hours (3.0 CEUs) is required in the topics specified below. 15 contact hours (1.5 CEUs) shall be in ACPE-accredited provider activities dealing with drug therapy. Activities qualifying for the drug therapy requirement will include the ACPE topic designator “01” or “02” followed by the letter “P” at the end of the universal activity number. Two contact hours (0.2 CEUs) shall be in ACPE-accredited provider activities dealing with pharmacy law. Activities qualifying for the pharmacy law requirement will include the ACPE topic designator “03” followed by the letter “P” at the end of the universal activity number. Two contact hours (0.2 CEUs) shall be in activities dealing with patient or medication safety. Activities completed to fulfill this requirement may be ACPE-accredited provider activities, in which case the universal activity number will end with the ACPE topic designator “05” followed by the letter “P.” Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed pharmacists shall complete an approved training program in accordance with 657—2.16 (235B,272C). An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed pharmacist who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed pharmacist who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed pharmacist who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Pharmacy Technician | All pharmacy technicians working in Iowa pharmacies must be nationally certified by an accredited technician certification board. Continuing education requirements to maintain the CphT credential may be found under Resources, Certification Requirements. Mandatory reporters are required by law to complete two hours of abuse training during their first six months of employment and two hours every five years thereafter. |
CE for Specialty: Physical Therapy | CE Requirements: The biennial continuing education compliance period shall extend for a two-year period that begins on the sixteenth day of the birth month and ends two years later on the fifteenth day of the birth month. a. Requirements for physical therapist licensees. Each biennium, each person who is licensed to practice as a physical therapist in this state shall be required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education approved by the board; a minimum of 30 hours shall be directly and primarily related to the clinical application of physical therapy. b. Requirements for physical therapist assistant licensees. Each biennium, each person who is licensed to practice as a physical therapist assistant in this state shall be required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education approved by the board; a minimum of 15 hours shall be directly and primarily related to the clinical application of physical therapy. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed physical therapists shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed physical therapist who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed physical therapist who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed physical therapist who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Psychology | CE: 40 hours of continuing education must be completed every renewal period. Licenses must be renewed biennially. The licensure period extends from July 1st of even-numbered years to June 30th of even-numbered years. For the second license renewal, licensees shall obtain six hours of CE pertaining to: Iowa mental health laws and regulations, or risk management. For all renewal periods following the second license renewal, licensees shall obtain six hours of CE pertaining to any of the following areas: ethical issues, federal mental health laws and regulations, Iowa mental health laws and regulations, or risk management. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed psychologists shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed psychologist who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed psychologist who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed psychologist who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Radiology Technology | CE must be obtained within the biennium indicated on the individual’s permit. All CE programs must be approved by an approval body accepted by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) such as the ASRT or NMTCB. All completion certificates must have the approval body’s name and approval number in order to be accepted. Continuing education activities that are lecture presentations may not be repeated for credit in the same biennium. All continuing education activities that are not lecture presentations may not be repeated for credit in the same or any subsequent biennium. General Radiologic Technologist: 24.0 hours General Nuclear Medicine Technologist: 24.0 hours Radiation Therapist: 24.0 hours Limited Radiologic Technologist with Categories of Chest, Spine, Extremities, Shoulder, Pediatric: 12.0 hours Radiologist Assistant: 50.0 hours Radiologist assistant permit holders must obtain at least one-half of the required continuing education in subject areas specific to radiography. The remainder may be earned as physician credit hours. X-ray Equipment Operator in Either Podiatric Radiography or Bone Densitometry: 4.0 hours After January 1, 2015, all individuals performing only bone densitometry must hold a bone densitometry permit. Podiatric X-ray equipment operator permit holders may submit activities recognized by ARRT or NMTCB or may submit activities sponsored by the American Podiatric Medical Association or the Iowa Podiatric Medical Society. Closed Classification or Category Permits. The following classifications or categories are closed to new applicants. Permits in the following classifications or categories that are expired for more than six months are not eligible to be reinstated, and individuals shall maintain current permits as outlined below: Limited in-hospital radiologic technologist: 24.0 hours Limited nuclear medicine technologist shall: 12.0 hours Limited radiologic technologist paranasal sinus: 6.0 hours Radiologic Technologists Performing Mammography: 15 hours in mammography CE every 36 months and 200 mammogram exams every 24 months |
CE for Specialty: Respiratory Therapy | 24 hours of continuing education are due April 1st of each even year and ending on March 31st of the next even year. 14 hours shall be earned by completing a program in which the instructor conducts the class employing in-person or live, real-time interactive media or by employing an archived audio or video presentation which permits the licensee a means to communicate with the presenter in real time. No more than 10 hours of approved independent study (subject/program/activity that a person pursues autonomously) No more than four hours for mandatory reporting of abuse per biennium. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed respiratory therapists shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed respiratory therapist who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed respiratory therapist who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed athletic trainer who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |
CE for Specialty: Social Work | CE: 27 hours of continuing education credits must be completed by December 31 of even-numbered years. Out of the 27 hours, a minimum of three hours per biennium shall be in social work ethics. A maximum of 12 hours of home study is permitted. Requirement of supervisors: For licensure at the independent level, persons serving in a supervisory role must complete three hours of continuing education in supervision. Training for Identifying and Reporting Abuse Iowa-licensed social workers shall complete an approved training program in identifying and reporting abuse. An approved training program is a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the Department of Public Health. Continuing education credit from these courses can be used for license renewal if an approved provider gives the course and continuing education credit is awarded. At the time of renewal, the licensee will be required to document completion of the training requirements. An Iowa-licensed social worker who regularly provides primary health care to children shall complete: Two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed social worker who regularly provides primary health care to adults shall complete: Two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. An Iowa-licensed social worker who regularly provides primary health care to adults and children shall complete training on the identification and reporting of abuse in dependent adults and children. This training may be completed through two separate courses or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. |

Note: All information should be verified with licensing board
Resources:| |