Our rotating free courses category gives you a chance to view education without commitment. In order to receive credit, you must be an Imaging Professional All-Access Pass Subscriber!

Radiopharmaceutical Extravasations: Expert Interviews 2023
Course Credit: 1.25
Program Summary: A series of interviews focused on how radiopharmaceutical extravasation affects the quality and quantification of nuclear medicine imaging studies.

Radiopharmaceutical Extravasations: Hazards, Mitigation, and Prevention 2023
Course Credit: 1.50
Program Summary: A panel discussion focusing on how radiopharmaceutical extravasation affects the quality and quantification of nuclear medicine imaging studies.

Conversations with Dr. C: Transitioning from Technologist to Administration
Course Credit: 1.00
Program Summary: Join Conversations with Dr. C this month as we learn about one technologist's journey of transitioning from a technologist to an Imaging Manager. Ashley Van Engen and I will discuss the education process, opportunities, training, and challenges that ...

Conversations with Dr. C: A Day in the Life of a New Technologist
Course Credit: 1.00
Program Summary: Imagine being a brand new technologist and your first experience started the same time as COVID! This is exactly what Melissa Rothkirch experienced while beginning her career in radiology. Join me as Melissa and I discuss how a new technologist ensur...