
Conversations with Dr. C: Educate vs Inform

Course Format: Online Video
Course Credit Type: CE ARRT
Course Credit: 1.00
Rewards Points Earned: 25
Course Category: **Self-Study/On-Demand, *Allied Health Professional, *Imaging, Conversations With Dr. C
Course Producer: AltusLearn
Course Cost: Free | Included in All-Access Pass
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Course Release Date: August 10, 2021
Course Expiration Date: August 10, 2022
Program Summary: Have you ever enjoyed a conversation so much that after walking away you think about it again and again? This is exactly the way I feel each time I talk to Lotus Bucker! Please join me, Dr. C for a conversation on educate vs inform. This webinar breaks down the terminology and provides insight on how to pivot in an informative vs transformative environment along with some great insight and personal experiences.
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