
The Importance of Compliance and Auditing Programs in Radiation Therapy (CE Nurse)

Course Format: Audio
Course Credit Type: CE Nurse
Course Credit: 0.50
Rewards Points Earned: 12.5
Course Category: *Nursing, Radiology, **Self-Study/On-Demand
Course Cost: $13.99 | Included in All-Access Pass
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Course Release Date: September 08, 2019
Course Expiration Date: December 31, 2022
Program Summary:

How strong is your compliance program? Are your auditing practices effective? Join Candace Somaza of ReveLution. We discuss the rapidly changing healthcare environment and the importance of expert knowledge throughout the revenue cycle. From payer contracting, network management, credentialing, coding, claims submission, accounts receivable, payment posting and patient collections, Candace describes the nuances of and need for a comprehensive plan.

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